Mapping & Modeling your Environment with Open Source
1 day Workshop
11 November 2023
For more information contact Wild Rescue.
Overview of Event
A novice DIY guide to building high fidelity models of any physical space or thing for free! From the size of a farm all the way down to your favourite pet – leveraging Open Source all the way.
Learning Outcomes:
• Have a base understanding of photogrammetry, the associated tools and processes to be able to map your environment and the elements in it.
• Gain a sense of best practices when performing large scale mapping
• Perform a real-world mapping of World Rescue
• Gain a sense of the future of open source mapping
Topics Covered
What is Photogrammetry and the path from Top Secret to DIY
Photogrammetry vs Lidar. Compare and contrast
How it works? A non-techie version of WTF this actually works
The Workflow/Stack: Mapping software <-> Image capture
Mapping Software: what’s available open source, what’s available paid.
Image Capture: Understanding the trade-offs
• Governing principles (how and with what to take photos)
• Human powered approach
• Drone powered approach
Applying the workflow – real world example
Part 1: Assess Extent and Limitation
Part 2: Flight and photo planning:
Part 3: Processing:
Part 4: Data Manipulation
Part 5: Simulation and the future of DIY Mapping